This working bee is for Harvest Festival preparation and to get the Target Range ready for the Target competition series beginning on June 2nd along with a few other small tasks. Please bring your own food and water and dress appropriately (closed in shoes, gloves, long pants etc). Let the Secretary know if you are able to attend.
Round 5, this is our last Unmarked Safari event for 2024. Visitors are welcome to compete in this event. Unmarked distance. 40 target competition – 2 x 20 target rounds. Round 1 = 2 arrow shoot per target – Both arrows scored. Round 2 = 1 arrow shot per target. Various 2D target faces will be used. EQUIPMENT DIVISIONS: Compound sighted, Compound unsighted, Recurve sighted, Recurve unsighted, Traditional i.e. longbow. Novice Category. Gates open at […]